Dobra wiadomośc dla użytkowników bardzo dobrego odbiornika szerokopasmowego AOR AR-DV1, Producent udostępnia kolejny  firmware - wersja v1710C, który dodaje jeszcze więcej funkcji.  To już kolejna aktualizacja w tym roku.  Będzie dobra zabawa...

W sierpniu 2016 informowaliśmy  o bardzo ciekawej aktualizacji oprogramowania firmowego : AOR AR-DV1 + TETRA

W lutym 2017 ukazała się następna aktualizacja: Nowe możliwości AOR AR-DV1

A w listopadzie 2017 mamy następny firmware.  Można go załadować ze strony:


Zwracamy uwagę na koniecznośc zachowania procedur podanych w instrukcji, aby nie spowodować awarii urządzenia.Jeśli czujesz się niepewnie przy aktualizacjach firmware to lepieć poproś nas o dokonanie tej operacji.   Klientom inRADIO zapewniamy bezpłatny serwis aktualizacji oprogramowania. Zapraszamy.


 (c)2017 AOR, LTD.
Nov.9, 2017
This update will correct issues that some customers experienced, it also adds more functionality to the AR-DV1.
AOR is committed to the continuous improvement of its products and will post firmware updates periodically to further extend the capabilities of this receiver.
This firmware update will clear all your channel, bank and configuration memory data. It is therefore advised to make a backup on SD card as described chapter 5-2 of the user manual, and to restore this data after the firmware update.
The update procedure takes about 90 seconds to complete. Under no circumstances the update procedure should be interrupted by switching the receiver off, removing the SD card, or cutting the power! Sudden interruption of the procedure is likely to corrupt system memory and therefore brick the receiver. This action would not be covered by warranty.
Starting with this firmware version 1710C, there are two different files to accommodate two different PCB board versions (features & performance are the same).
For receivers with serial numbers 09523001 and higher, use the firmware with the extension .DV2
For receivers with serial numbers below 09523001, use the firmware with the extension .DV1
As a security feature, the receiver will only display and accept firmware compatible with its PCB board version, however do NOT attempt to change the firmware’s file name or extension! Trying to force an uncompatible firmware update is likely to brick the receiver. This action would not be covered by warranty.
The following bugs have been fixed:
-SCAN/SEARCH would often miss DMR signals when receive MODE was set to AUTO.
-DMR mode with CTCSS activated: CTCSS and color code were not displayed correctly.
-OFFSET frequency did not remain on screen after input.
The following features have been improved:
-Better audio quality when decoding voice inverted signals.
-Receiver now accepts a wider variety of SD card brands .
Website to download: