Już jest dostępny nowy firmware, rozszerzający możliwości cyfrowego odbiornika szerokopasmowego AOR AR DV-1 w zakresie obsługi TETRA.

Nowy firmware nosi numer 1609D i zwiększa walory użytkowe skanera nasłuchowego AOR AR-DV1 o emisje TETRA DMO - Direct Mode Operation - tryb bezpośredni. Producent skanera radiowego AOR AR-DV1 doradza, aby dla TETRA zrobić osobny bank skanowania kanałów i nie łączyć z innymi modulacjami, z powodu mocnego obciążenia procesora. Obecnie w fazie rozwoju jest TETRA przemiennik-użytkownik. Więcej szczegółów dotyczących cyfrowego odbiornika nasłuchowego AOR AR-DV-1 znajdziesz w opisie produktu.


(c)2016 AOR, LTD.
Sept.29, 2016

This update will correct issues that some customers experienced, it also adds more functionality to the AR-DV1.
AOR is committed to the continuous improvement of its products and will post firmware updates periodically to further extend the capabilities of this receiver.

This firmware update will clear all your channel, bank and configuration memory data. It is therefore advised to make a backup on SD card as described chapter 5-2 of the user manual, and to restore this data after the firmware update.

The following feature has been added:

TETRA decoding:
Named “T-DM” in the mode selection menu.
Compatible Tetra mode: DMO MOBILE TO MOBILE (also called “direct mode”)
Non-compatible Tetra modes: DMO REPEATER and TRUNKING VIA BASE STATION. (These modes are under evaluation).
Command list: Tetra mode is added to the MD command as selection #8.

Please note following limitations:
-TETRA reception only works in manual mode selection. Unfortunately it cannot be part of the AUTO MODE detection mode because Tetra is very CPU intensive.
-In SCAN mode, do not mix TETRA and non-TETRA modes. All frequencies in your SCAN bank should be preset as TETRA (T-DM).
Encryption is not and can never be supported. (Usually governmental operators do use encryption whereas commercial operators don't)

Advice for best performance:
-LEVEL SQUELCH is strongly recommended for Tetra. As the IF bandwidth of Tetra is very large, the “noise squelch” filter is not suitable for that use. (Press and hold the SQL knob for 2 seconds to display SQL settings.)
-It is best to do a “system reset” after loading this firmware (push and hold CLR button when switching receiver ON) after installing the new firmware. Your memory data will stay untouched.


Kup cyfrowy skaner nasłuchowy AOR AR-DV1


(c)2016 AOR, LTD.

Sept.29, 2016

This update will correct issues that some customers experienced, it also adds more functionality to the AR-DV1.
AOR is committed to the continuous improvement of its products and will post firmware updates periodically to further extend the capabilities of this receiver.

This firmware update will clear all your channel, bank and configuration memory data. It is therefore advised to make a backup on SD card as described chapter 5-2 of the user manual, and to restore this data after the firmware update.

The following feature has been added:
TETRA decoding:

Named “T-DM” in the mode selection menu.
Compatible Tetra mode: DMO MOBILE TO MOBILE (also called “direct mode”)
Non-compatible Tetra modes: DMO REPEATER and TRUNKING VIA BASE STATION. (These modes are under evaluation).
Command list: Tetra mode is added to the MD command as selection #8.

Please note following limitations:
-TETRA reception only works in manual mode selection. Unfortunately it cannot be part of the AUTO MODE detection mode because Tetra is very CPU intensive.
-In SCAN mode, do not mix TETRA and non-TETRA modes. All frequencies in your SCAN bank should be preset as TETRA (T-DM).
Encryption is not and can never be supported. (Usually governmental operators do use encryption whereas commercial operators don't)

Advice for best performance:
-LEVEL SQUELCH is strongly recommended for Tetra. As the IF bandwidth of Tetra is very large, the “noise squelch” filter is not suitable for that use. (Press and hold the SQL knob for 2 seconds to display SQL settings.)
-It is best to do a “system reset” after loading this firmware (push and hold CLR button when switching receiver ON) after installing the new firmware. Your memory data will stay untouched.